Morrie Goldman’s A personal perspective on COVID-19 in Japan and the US, brought out a significant negativity bias that the American media has. In Japan, Morrie saw prevalent mask wearing in urban areas, and the island Kyushu had no reported cases of Covid-19. The grasp Japan has on its Covid-19 infection has been impressive. Yet, we could hardly tell by reading the US version of news about Covid-19 and all of Asia. Negativity, doom and gloom, is a big part of media’s business. How many more negative articles have you read about China since the Covid-19 outbreak? Pointing fingers at inadequate disclosure and inaccurate death counts easily became the focus, rather than solution-based collaboration stories. While the former increases anxiety and anger, the latter restores hope and faith in those in leadership. To find a more balanced coverage of the world outside of the US, look up constructive journalism where stories are purposed for exchanging solutions and sharing ideas. Join me in seeking these stories for positive change. Morrie is also the author of More Japan for Less.

Image courtesy of Morrie Goldman.