Do you believe in Fortune Tellers?
Chinese communicate with each other through story references. Even simple stories with one straight message, may have depth and nuance depending on the listener.
You can reach different levels of listeners from the simple message of DO GOOD:
“The fortune teller told me that I needed to change my luck, or I wouldn’t get ahead in life. ”
Do good for others
Do good for others, and thereby you feel good on the inside
Do good for others, and thereby you do good for society as a whole and you will create a better world around you and for your next generation
While I was working in LA, I met a Chinese woman who was bright and well spoken. I prepared her

Photo by Denny Ryanto on Unsplash
for a promotional exam, introduced her to Toastmasters and mentored her by providing mock job interviews. From my interactions with her over a couple of months, I felt she was rather unkind; or, a taker, not a giver. I expected her to show some reciprocity, not necessarily in deed nor payment, but minimally in a kind gesture, or a “thank you.” So, I eventually distanced myself from her.
“[The Fortune Teller] said I must find three children organizations to give some candy so I will have a sweet life. ”
One day close to Lunar New Year I ran into her on my way to lunch. With the typical chitchat, I asked her what she was up to. She said, “Oh, good thing you asked, Yvonne. I am glad I ran into you because you can help me.
“It’s the new year and I went to see the fortune teller….The fortune teller told me that I needed to change my luck, or I wouldn’t get ahead in life. She said I must find three children organizations to donate some candy so I will have a sweet life. Do you know where I can do this?”
I chuckled inside. I replied, “Sure, I can. I will email you a list where you can donate some candy to charitable children organizations.”
Here is a story of someone who received a message to be kind and she only heard the literal instructions: give candy to three charitable children organizations.
So, you ask me, do I believe in fortune tellers?
I say, yes, some are very sharp. The fortune teller met my friend for 2-5 mins and knew instantly what my friend needed to have a more fulfilling life.
Now, it is a question of when the listener could receive the deeper level of this rewarding message: to be a more giving person and a sweet life is yours.