Community Connections: East Asian Conversations

Glenview Public Library 1930 Glenview Road, Glenview, IL, United States

Join our panelists of Chinese, Korean, Mongolian, and Filipino American descent in a community building conversation to learn about our diverse population. Register for this event here.


Tea Social Group:Green Tea Tasting

Lake Bluff Public Library 123 E Scranton Ave, Lake Bluff, Il

Educator Yvonne Wolf returns to Lake Bluff Public Library to expand your green tea tasting experience. In her previous program, she widened our general knowledge of the cultural history of Chinese tea introducing us to the five colors of tea. …

The Magic of Numbers

NA’AMAT group hosts Yvonne on a new topic. She will explain the cross cultural significance of lucky numbers and signs in Chinese cultural context. Our ancestors were fascinated with math and its magical connection with social relationships. Many cultures had …

The Chinese Zodiac and You

Niles Historical Society and Cultural Center 8970 N Milwaukee Ave, Niles, IL

The Chinese use the zodiac animals to inspire and encourage positive qualities in ourselves by learning from the natural world. The twelve zodiac signs were and are used to measure time, compatibility for marriage, compatibility with a chosen occupation, and …

Traditional Chinese Tea Demonstration

Avidor Glenview 650 Waukegan Rd, Glenview, IL, United States

According to Confucianism, the art of tea is as much transformative on an introspective level as it is on a ceremonial level. Gain a brief background on the origin of tea and its role in East Asian social interactions along …

Travelog to China, Japan and Taiwan

McHenry Public Library

Join us for a travelog to China, Japan, and Taiwan.  Cultural consultant Yvonne Wolf has traveled and lived in these countries. She will guide you through typical destinations, cultural observations, tips and recommendations, and best-value experiences in these countries. She …

What’s in a Name?

Glenview Public Library 1930 Glenview Road, Glenview, IL, United States

Join educator Yvonne Wolf in exploring your Chinese ancestry. Learn about the Chinese naming system, Chinese characters, and common surnames. She will also present some common items that will help you uncover your family history such as tombstones, ancestral tablets, and name …

Magic in Numbers

Frisbie Senior Center 52 East Northwest Highway, Des Plaines, IL, United States

Friday the 13th as a movie title is only terrifying to a Western audience. How would the Chinese translate such a cultural phenomenon? Is there an equivalent devastating number in Chinese culture? Yvonne will explain the cross cultural significance of lucky …

A Traditional Chinese Tea Demonstration

Frisbie Senior Center 52 East Northwest Highway, Des Plaines, IL, United States

According to Confucianism, the art of tea is as much transformative on an introspective level as it is on a ceremonial level. Gain a brief background on the origin of tea and its role in East Asian social interactions along …

Magic In Numbers

Arlington Heights Senior Center 1801 W Central Rd, Arlington Heights, IL, United States

Friday the 13th as a movie title is only terrifying to a Western audience. How would the Chinese translate such a cultural phenomenon? Is there an equivalent devastating number in Chinese culture? Yvonne will explain the cross cultural significance of lucky numbers …

The Untold Story about Mahjong

Mount Prospect Public Library 10 S. Emerson St., Mount Prospect, IL, United States

Mah jongg came a long way…from China to the US. This seminar will enlighten you about how that journey came about, what the Mahjong characters (AKA kraks), bamboos (AKA bams), and dots represent and the difference between Mah jongg and …

A Traditional Chinese Tea Demonstration

Lincolnwood Public Library District 4000 W. Pratt Ave, Lincolnwood, IL

According to Confucianism, the art of tea is as much transformative on an introspective level as it is on a ceremonial level. Gain a brief background on the origin of tea and its role in East Asian social interactions along …